Friday, March 4, 2011

Service Learning Project

    Today Sticky Thinking gave our presentation of our proposal for the service learning project.  Our project involves the Cary Club at Cary Residence Hall and the Cary Home, a home for kids who are recovering from addictions or who have troubled pasts.  We plan to bring them to campus and to play some sports with them.  Our original plan was to only bring the boys of the Cary Home to campus to be involved in our activities but because of the comments during the question and answer session of our presentation today we have decided to include the girls also.  The reason behind only including the boys was to have everyone play sports but we do realize that this is somewhat unfair for the girls at the home.  It is also not accurate to assume that all boys want to play sports.  We will modify our project plan in order to incorporate alternative activities to sports.
    I think our group plan is put together well and will amount to a successful project.  I am looking forward to meeting the boys and girls of the Cary Home and having fun doing activities with them.
    Below is a funny comic about diversity in the workplace and including both men and women.  This can apply to our discussion in class today about including the girls in our event.
-Rachel Page