Saturday, March 26, 2011

Group Problem Solving

   Problem solving can be difficult sometimes.  It can be even more challenging when you are working with people who you aren’t very familiar with and when it is urgent that the problem be solved as quickly as possible.  In light of the recent events in Japan, and other affected areas, our class is taking the opportunity to observe and learn from the current situation going on as the backdrop for our project in COM 320. 
   I think this project will be a great learning experience because of the nature of the project: new groups members, limited time, and the fact that it involves serious events that affect people’s lives.  I feel like as a group member I was comfortable in my current group.  Switching it up by putting everyone in entirely new groups has forced us to go through the group forming process again.  The limited time constraint of having to form a PowerPoint and present in less than a week will also be a challenge.  I think using the current events in Japan and other surrounding areas as a backdrop will also help us realize the seriousness and the importance of group problem solving.
   I think that even though I am working with a new group that our project and presentation will be successful.  I think this also is a glimpse into how the real world works, especially in times of crisis. 
   I'll leave you with another comic about problem solving.

-Rachel Page

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