Sunday, March 6, 2011

But what about the girls?

In class this week we proposed our service learning project.  Our proposed event will be taking some of the kids from the Cary Home and play some games with them.  After we get tired we will hopefully get to take them out to eat at the dinning courts.  The kids that live at the Cary home either have a troubled past or an unsafe living environment with their parents.  By spending some time with the kids we hope to be good role models for them and to try to show them why they should attend college. 
During our presentation we suggested that we might only take the boy out to play.  This seemed easier to plan for as most boys like to play sports.  By taking the girls along too, we thought that the boys might be too competitive and intimidate the girls or some of the girls might not want to play sports.  The idea of only taking the guys did not go very well with the class. At one point someone actually said “But what about the girls”.  So we came up with a plan to have the kids sign up to come out to our event.  I really like this idea because we can have a good idea of how many people will be attending and we can plan more effectively.  Overall I thought our presentation of our project went fairly well.  I am really proud of my group for coming up with a good paper proposal and a good presentation.

-Jarrett Hullinger