Monday, March 7, 2011

Week 3

This week we presented our service learning project presentation. It went well overall. The presentation itself went very smoothly as well as the question and answer section. There were several good points brought up. Such as first aid, possible rain date locations, creating a sign up to obtain head count, solidifying activities, what we will do about food, and funding.
I have set up a time to go to Cary Home on Wednesday to place a flyer up so that the kids that the boys and girls that are interested can sign up. I am going to speak with the person that has dealt with Cary Quad events in the past and figure out how first aid issues are to be dealt with since we will be playing sports. I will also be picking up our confidentiality forms that are to be signed by all the volunteers. As far as food goes, with funding pending, we have decided that it would be cheaper to buy pizza than to take the kids to Ford dining court. In regards to funding, I am currently in process of securing funding through Cary Club. If we aren’t able to, we will use our group’s connection to other organizations on campus to get the funding we need.
If it rains, we could do activities indoors in the South building basement and play some video games, board games, and pool down there.

-Mark Saull