Sunday, March 27, 2011

When everything doesnt go as planned

Great leaders in history are remembered not for what they did during most of their lives, but for what they did in hard times and during crisis. They problem times can also not only affect individuals but also groups of people.  In today’s business age one bad move can lead to closing up shop.  Management knows this so they spend millions of dollars on something called crisis management.  Everyone know what this is if they work in a large business and most people either hate it or think it’s a waste of time.  I always felt like the company was paying me to sit and be bored listing to this traveling expert.  This all changed when the oil spill in the Gulf almost destroyed one of the biggest oil companies in the world.  BP did such a bad job at crisis management it is almost laughable.  Thousands of people are out of work or considerably worse off because of terrible clean up and a general lack of leadership.  This oil crisis is the biggest goof since hurricane Katrina.  The Bush administration is still being prosecuted for lack of leadership on that natural disaster. 
                In class we are challenged with a life like challenge to be effective in a crisis and manage a company or other group of people in a simulation related to Japan and the earthquake crisis.  This activity landed in a time slot for me that is already in a crisis.  My senior design project is taking almost all my free time this week now I have to devote time into this presentation.  I am really learning how to think on my feet and get things done fast to solve these two crisis’s at the same time.
                Below I have attached a cartoon that pokes fun of how most people see crisis management in business.
-Jarrett Hullinger

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