Sunday, March 27, 2011

Problem Solving Task Force

On Friday we were given a new group to work with to do the problem solving task force.  It seems as though this is going to be a good group to work with, although it will be a little weird not working with Sticky Thinking.  Our group was given the situation of Family Mart.  Our store is facing problems with radioactive material in the area where we get some of our seafood and produce due to the earthquake and tsunami effects on the nuclear plant.  Our job is to come up with how we are going to handle the situation and what our goals and some solutions are.  It is scary to think that this is going on right now over in Japan and that the people over there are doing it for real.  We get the luxury of being able to be in a classroom setting while we determine our response to the crisis.  The people overseas are over there making decisions that could affect millions of lives, whether that effect is good or bad.  They need to act fast, yet think carefully through all the situations so the correct decision is made.  After doing this activity, I have gained the utmost respect for all the people that are faced with this crisis and have to make decisions such as the ones our class will be presenting.  I hope that I am never in the position that some of these people in Japan are currently in.

-Andrew De Jong

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