Sunday, March 20, 2011

Catching Up

Two weeks ago we had our midterm on Wednesday in class.  I think the midterm was a good exam to test our knowledge and understanding of small group communication.  My group was able to get together and study for a while which I think helped me to be more prepared for the midterm exam.

Last week was spring break and while I was home I was able to go laser tagging with a few other people.  Laser tag is a fun game that is played by shooting lasers at others in order to score points.  There is certain attire needed to play laser tag:  preferrably dark clothes, a vest which has receptors on it, and a laser gun.  It is preferred that dark clothes are worn because the game is played indoors in a smoke-filled room with black lights.  Lighter clothing in black lights are really bright and would make you more visible when playing.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that playing laser tag involves small group communication.  When I played there were three different teams:  green, blue, and red.  I was on the green team.  The mission of the game was to shoot the opposing team's members with laser guns and to destroy their home bases.  It took communication between team members to coordinate a successful attack on the opposing teams.

I’m seeing now how small group communication truly is a factor in just about everything we do.  I'll leave you with another funny comic. Have a good week!
-Rachel Page