Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Class Service Learning Projects

This week we turned in our proposal on Monday, and then gave our presentation on Friday.  The presentation went pretty well, with one major thing we have decided to change.  We originally were going to have only boys come to our event, but after discussion with the class, we are going to give girls the option to come as well.  We are making lots of progress with our project now that we have talked to the director and asked some of the questions we had for her.  I think things will continue to run smoothly up and through our event.
                The Faithful Hodgepodge gave their presentation on Wednesday.  I think they have a tough event to be able to put together.  If it all works out, I think it is a really good one though.  I know I would be interested to learn some things about cricket or other sports from different countries.  Because of that, I would assume that there are some students that would like to learn about football and basketball.
                I really like Prestige Worldwide’s event.  I think a cornhole tournament to raise money for the Boys and Girls Club is a great idea.  Cornhole is an easy game that anyone can play, and easy to learn if someone does not know how to play.  I know I will be finding a partner and entering the tournament.
- Andrew De Jong