Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's For the Kids

This week we presented the proposal for our service learning project. We decided to work with the Cary Home for Children. For our project, we will bring the kids over to campus where we will play games with them. After we tire them out we want to treat them to dinner at Ford Dining Court. I am confident in our project because the Cary Club used to do events like this in the past on a regular basis. One of the early challenges we had to deal with was the age group of the kids involved. Initially we thought that the kids would be in the first to fifth grade levels, and were shocked to find out that they were much older. As a result we had to completely rethink our activities. Compared to the other groups, one thing we have a pretty good grasp of is the number of participants involved. Aside from extra Cary Club volunteers, we know exactly the number of kids living at the Cary Home and will be able to plan accordingly. The following shows the number of kids in each of the Home's units.

  • Residential Treatment Center: 9 males, ages 14-21
  • Intensive Supervision Unit: 5 males, ages 12-18
  • Cary Home Girls Unit: 6 females, ages 12-18
During our presentation we received feedback chastising us for not including the girls. The primary reason (that we failed to mention in class) for initially not including them is the CGU currently includes girls who are pregnant. Depending on what stage they are in, they should probably not be participating in these kinds of sporting events.

- Steven Gitter