Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break Week

Spring break week was amazing! I went to Honolulu, Hawaii with my family! It was nice that I finally got to spend some quality time with them. I do not get much of a chance to because of how busy I am with school and I spend the rest of my time with my fiancée. It was quite the adventure to get there. We had to switch our entire flight schedule because our first flight was so delayed! We finally made it there after a whopping 24 hours spent on planes and waiting for them. It was worth it though. Hawaii is a beautiful state! Everyone should make the effort to visit there at least once. I did learn a lot from this trip. On our various excursions, the shuttle bus drivers were always willing to answer any questions and share the history of Hawaii. The state has a very colorful history. It was settled by the various Polynesians early on and then was followed by the Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, British, and many others. The British helped the Hawaiians unite the islands, which is why there is the British flag in the corner of the state flag. Then the US came in and convinced the Hawaiians to let us use the islands as a fueling depot. Years later, we basically overthrew their kingdom and claimed it for our own. The sad part about the trip was seeing how bad most of the locals have it. Hawaii is a very poor state. The only thing that keeps them alive is that you and I take the time to visit there. Anyway, it was worth it to visit and learn something new and explore around!
