Sunday, March 13, 2011

spring break reflection

This week we had our midterm exam in class.  What better way it study for this group communication exam than with our group.  On Tuesday most of us met up and studied for about two hours.  I don't know how useful this time was for my other group members but it sure helped me study for the midterm.  Since we didn't learn anything new this week in class I am going to reflect on another small group I am in this semester.  
In my senior capstone class I am in a group with a member of the Faithful hodgepodge.  We have been tasked with a large project that had been going on for six weeks.  On the Friday of that sixth week our professor told us to restart the project.  This completely demoralised our group as we did not think it possible to finish the project on time with this amount of lost time.  What did happen though was the group kicked it in high gear and started cranking out work like we had never produced earlier in the semester.  I just want to reflect on how amazing small group are when but in from of a task.  We don't know if we will finish this project on time but I have at least learned first hand what small group can accomplish when they work and communicate effectively.

Jarrett Hullinger