Sunday, February 27, 2011

Service Learning Project

This week we have been putting together our proposal for the service learning project.  We are going to be doing our project at the Cary Home.  The Cary Home helps young children stay out of trouble by providing a good environment that they might otherwise not have.  Most of the kids there are ages twelve to eighteen.  That is a fairly wide range of ages, so we are going to mainly be playing different sports with them.  We thought about doing crafts and other activities, but we figured they were too old for that, and would not be interested.  I think this is going to be really good for them and for us.  They will get a chance to go out and play sports and have a fun time.  We on the other hand get to see these kids and learn from them.  It will be and eye opening experience for me I believe.  I will get to see how some of these underprivileged children are, and will notice how good I really had it growing up.  Besides that aspect of the trip, it will be fun for me to play with these kids because I love sports.  I hope that they enjoy different sports too, otherwise they might not have the good time we are hoping to achieve.  I think that this is going to be an awesome day, and I cannot wait for us to go. 

- Andrew De Jong