Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Class Reflection

          The previous week was dedicated to practicing and presenting our workshop. Our goal was to take information from chapter 12 in the COM book, which was about leadership, and create an informational presentation about it. I was very happy with the overall end result. I feel that our group really broke through some barriers. I never felt that there were any big hurdles to overcome, or that we were all unable to overcome the awkward first impressions and getting to know one another. I feel that we all really started to mesh together as a group. Everyone participated actively and communicated really well throughout the entire process. This is perhaps one of, if not the best group I have ever been a part of. I guess now that I’m done buttering everyone up, I’ll talk a little about the presentation itself.
            We came up with our tentative class outline. The whole class was to start out doing an activity where we posted up various quotes and everyone would select one that best fit them and then explain why. Then we talked about process and task leadership and explained their respective differences. Then move onto the three different types of leadership styles and explain them. To further develop the class’ understanding, we had them participate in another activity where they were forced to use a specified leadership style and they had to come to a decision involving a difficult situation and share their decision and thoughts about the certain style. I then gave some statistics taken about the various styles. We then had the class take a survey to figure out what type of leader they are.
            I felt that we had a successful workshop that was informative and stimulating. It also helped our group come more together and work efficiently. I really look forward to participating in other group presentations and seeing how we progress even further through the rest of the semester!

-Mark Saull