Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Thoughts

Going into this class, I had heard a range of comments from it is super easy to it takes a lot of time. Based on conversations with friends in different sections of COM 320, I can say that neither statement reflects this class (and that's a good thing). I am grateful that I am a part of a great group, which is the essence of small group communication anyway. All of us [Sticky Thinking] are from the College of Technology and in the past some of us have even been in classes together. We are all dedicated students and get along well with each other; that alone will make this class enjoyable.

Another reason this class will be enjoyable is our teacher Jasmine. From what I hear about other sections and their instructors, ours is more demanding but more fun.

Not surprisingly, public speaking is not something that I enjoy nor comes naturally for me. What I have found is that I am able to build my confidence in public speaking through the small group format. I think that knowing I have the support of my group members is what makes this possible. Most of the time it is easier to accomplish something as a team rather than as an individual.

I will surely be able to use experiences from this class in upcoming interviews, as graduation grows near.

- Steven Gitter