Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week Two

The past week in COM 320 was busy! This class has kept me incredibly busy! I’m learning a lot as we go, but trying to stay on top of things. We were directed to start preparing for our service learning project which is a big deal. There are a lot of things to consider, plan, and execute. Earlier in the week, our group brainstormed potential places to create an event at. We thought of working at the Salvation Army, working for Meals on Wheels, and creating an event for the kids at the Cary Home in Lafayette. We all decided that we would create an event for the kids. When it warms up (if it warms up) we want to do some outdoor activities and crafts with the kids either at the Cary Home or at Cary Quad. After that, we plan to take them to Ford Dining Court for some food and then get them back home for the evening.
            On another note from this past week, the class activity we did on Wednesday was kind of depressing. It was terrible having to pick two things that our group members exhibited in group meetings. The first two classes of attributes were easy to do, but the last class of attributes was not very positive. I know we all exhibit not very positive behaviors sometimes, but I like to try and look at the positives so I don’t create a negative image that could affect my actions towards my group members.
