Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Class Thus Far

                This class has been a lot different than what I had expected after the first six weeks of class.  The major thing has been the amount of classes Jasmine has missed.  I have never had a professor miss more than one or two classes throughout the semester.  This is a nice change of pace however.  Of course I like that sometimes class is canceled, but I also like that even though she isn’t always here, she still has us go on with class as though she is sitting in the back.  It makes me feel like she is forcing us to become more independent, and making us learn things on our own.  It makes things more fun this way, rather than sitting in class every day listening to the same person lecture over and over again.  We get to have Jasmine teach us some days, and then the class takes turns teaching each other for the next week.  Because of us teaching the rest of the class so often, we have already had quite a few presentations to do.
                This brings me to another reason this class has been different than what I expected.  I have never had a class where I have had to do so many presentations before.  I knew I would have to be doing them, but I figured I would have a presentation once every three to four weeks.  So far through six weeks of class our group has had our theory presentation, leadership presentation, and our blog presentation.  When I took COM 114, I only had four presentations all year.  I figured this class was going to be along those lines.  Either way, I could use the practice with public speaking since I don’t have to do it very often in my other classes. 
                Overall, this class has been fun this first part of the year.  Class is never boring, and after looking at the syllabus for the upcoming weeks, it looks like it will continue to be exciting.  

-Andrew De Jong