Monday, February 21, 2011

Class reflection leadership pesentation

Last week our group did a presentation on leadership.  In this speech we explained a little about what leadership is and the different styles of leadership.  I talked about task leadership and how every member of a group can perform the role of the leader.  This got me thinking on how I can be a better leader inside and outside of the classroom.  If you think about it, small groups are everywhere.  Even myself and my roommates could be considered a group.  Using task leadership I can help make my living environment a better place for all who reside in it.  What is really cool about task leadership is that everyone can fill in the spot as leader for a given time frame.  If I usually initiate the process of washing the dishes and I am not there, someone else can assume the role as leader and still get housework done.
                As part of our activities for the presentation we asked the class to pick quotes from off the walls and to explain how they connected to them.  This got me thinking about famous leaders in history and how they affected my life.  Leadership is a very important subject to everyone because it plays a direct role in everyone’s lives.  The role of leader in a family is a very easy example of this.  In my family, my father was the leader of the household.  In some situations the mother is the leader of a family.  These leaders in families have a direct effect on how the family is structured and how their children behave.

Posted by Jarrett Hullinger