Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time Management

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. "
 -Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

   Time management is something that in my life comes up again and again every semester. Especially at this time of the semester I have to really focus on how I manage my time.  With a long list of things to do, I need to prioritize my tasks and focus on what needs to be done.
   Time management can be found in everything we do, from personal schedules to work assignments to group projects.  It is especially important in group projects where there is a limited time to accomplish a task, like the crisis project we did a week ago.  In some instances there may not be a lot of time to make decisions and like Jasmine said in class, those involved in the crisis have to start acting on their decisions right away.  That is a lot of pressure so time management is especially important in those times.
   Effective time management also saves money and resources.  You've all heard the saying "time is money" and it is true.  Our time is valuable, whether we are here at Purdue working on class work or working a full-time job. In the corporate world, they trust that you will be able to manage your time effectively.  And, I have learned, that college is a great place to learn and perfect time management skills.  I think you need them to truly succeed in school and in your career.

It was fun blogging and I hope you enjoyed my comics. :)

-Rachel Page

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