Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Task, New Groups

This past week we were assigned to come up with a crisis management plan. There was a twist though. We were assigned new groups! I wasn’t too thrilled about this at all. My group and I have gotten very comfortable with one another and have our set roles in place with a nice flow going as well. Like Jasmine mentioned, the environment in the real world is not so convenient. We all with have to work with several groups of people for the rest of our lives on a daily basis. I can personally attest to this. Since working at Toyota, I have had to work with several groups of people each time I go back. It’s the same every time. I am very shy, until I get comfortable. Through this class, I have learned how to come out of my shell in initial group meetings. I think it’s very important to do so that way people will take what respective role you want to take on important. For example, I feel that I take on more of the leader role in group settings. If I’m shy at first until I’m comfortable, who would really take me serious when I try to take on the leadership role? That’s why I am glad to have taken this class. We were really forced to think about ourselves and the roles that we take on in group settings. 

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