Sunday, April 10, 2011

Event Cancelled

As you know, our event had to be canceled due to the rain on Friday.  It rained all night and into the morning, and the field was just too wet.  We were on a time crunch to figure out whether we should cancel or hold the event.  We had to know by 1:30 pm at the absolute latest, because of our order for the pizza. 
Going about making the decision by that time was a lot more difficult that I thought it would be.  I had class all morning, so I did not get a chance to look at the weather or check out how the field actually looked.  Mark called around noon, I left class to take it, and he explained how the field was and such.  We decided that because there was some standing water on the field it would be best to hold off because we cannot have the kids getting wet and muddy.  We then split up who had to contact who to let everyone know that we had to cancel the event. 
This is a prime example of critical thinking and working on the fly, just like in the Japan earthquake project.  We had a limited amount of time, and we had to make the correct decision.  Everybody uses this once they get a job in the real world.  Nothing ever goes perfectly as planned, and everybody needs to know how to adapt to the situation and make the necessary changes quickly.  This was good practice for these types of situations, and now hopefully we will have a warmer sunny day instead of a cool and wet one.

-Andrew De Jong

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