Sunday, April 3, 2011

Communication in Basketball

   When we talk about small group communication I can't help but think of the small group interaction in sports.  I love sports. I play or watch a ton of sports.  Most sports at its core requires small group communication.  Tomorrow is the national championship for college basketball between the UCONN Huskies and the Butler Bulldogs.  These are two great teams who both have utilized good small group communication skills to get where they are now. 
   Basketball players who make it to the championship game aren’t players who don’t know how to communicate.  They aren’t a just group of random people who happen to be wearing the same jersey.  They have formed their group and know their group members.  They know how to communicate with each other and to work well together.  They came together to work towards a certain goal.  All of these things can be seen in any small group or team.  In chapter five of our book for COM 320 it talks about group cohesiveness.  This is something that groups need to form a team and to accomplish their task.  For the Huskies and the Bulldogs, their task is to win a national championship.
   I’m looking forward to watching tomorrow’s game between UCONN and Butler not only for the enjoyment of the sport but I’ll also be watching to see how they communicate. 
   Here is another comic that has to do with being on a team.  It really is about more than just wearing the same jersey.

-Rachel Page

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