Sunday, April 3, 2011

Service Learning Project

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to attend Prestige Worldwide’s Service Learning Project.  I am hoping that after witnessing their event, our event will go a little smoother than it otherwise might have gone.  I liked how they took charge right off the bat by collecting money and asking for team names to set up the bracket.  When it was time to start, one person stepped up and got everyone silent so they could explain the rules and what teams were playing and where.  There was only one problem area that I noticed.  It seemed like sometimes members of the group were too busy getting involved in the event and it took awhile to get the next teams on a board and playing.  This was not all that bad though because everyone was having a good time, and did not care too much that it was going slower than it could have.
Our Service Learning Project is this coming Friday.  Hopefully we can do well like Prestige Worldwide did.  The most important thing I believe is going to be how we act right away.  We need to set the tone right away that we are in charge of this event, and the kids will not be able to just run around and do what they please.  We also need to make sure that we do not get too caught up in the games ourselves and remember that we are the ones that need to run this event.  I have faith that our event will go smoothly as planned.
-          Andrew De Jong

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